Thursday, June 16, 2011

06/16/11 Cooper's 4th day on the job

Today was my 4th day at Countway.  It was filled with lots of new events for me. 

Mama dropped me off a little early today.  I didn't mind.  I was pretty excited to get to campus.  We took a little walk on the HMS Quad for a pre-work "potty-break."  As soon as I was done with my "business," I made a beeline for the entrance to Countway.  I was greeted by the morning security guard and custodial staff as I got to the double glass doors (always good to say hello to my friends).  I made a quick right turn toward my office (a very comfy corner with a couch, chair and dog bed nestled behind the circulation desk) and immediately began looking for Wendy, the morning access librarian.  Upon finding her around the corner, my tail just couldn't stop wagging.  More of a surprise was the Joshua-sighting I had later in the day (I was told that he was on vacation)!  Joshua's awesome.  He sits with me on the sofa and works on his laptop while I await my next appointment.  Today was bound to be a good day!

I had a few new visitors/ clients throughout the day that I really enjoyed interacting with.  However the fire-drill at lunchtime captured my attention.  It was an all new and interesting experience for me.  I must have been pretty cool through it all, because at the end of the day, I heard Emily (the afternoon access librarian that I love) telling my Mama that I was very calm during the evacuation to the lawn area of the HMS Quad.  I stood there with the rest of the Countway staff and enjoyed all the extra petting that I got (I think some almost-grumpy people needed a little puppy-comfort while they awaited re-entrance to our air-conditioned building)! Amidst all the noise,  I heard my name.  It turns out that my Mama and Aunt Turah came to take me out on a lunchtime potty-break.  My day just kept getting better!

As they took me around the lawn, I heard a couple of students tell them that I was their dog.  Mama and Aunt Turah looked a bit confused until the girl-student explained that they reserved time with me and it was suppose to be right now.  I actually saw them last week too, so I guess they must like my services!

The best surprise of my day came at the very end.  At 5:30, my Papa came to pick me up!!  It was the first time he came to my office and I have to say, I think he was impressed. 

1 comment:

  1. That little bundle of love makes my day every time I see him!
