Just prior to my interview with Dr. Ann MacDonald of Harvard Health Publications. |
Bet you all want my job! This is my wonderful couch. My friends at work got this for my "office area." I love it. I meet all my appointments here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today, however, I will begin my day here with my very first interview. Dr. Ann MacDonald of Harvard Health Publications came to find out all about little old me and the benefits of therapy dogs to both the mental and physical well-being of people.
I think I rocked the interview. Stay tuned...I'll let you know when the publication is released!
Anyway, while they were setting up for my interview, I took the liberty to say "Hi there! Good morning from way down here" to all the people entering at the guard station. One lady with big sunglasses and a long skirt bent down to pet me and I had to pop my head out from beneath her skirt. She giggled while she pet my head and said, "Oh Cooper, so nice to see you too!" Then I went on to the next library guest (@9am they're never ending!). He was a tall dapper African American man in a suit. He gave me lots of head rubs and said he has a dog at home and was glad to see one here. I made my way through the morning rush and often clogged the entrance. I've got to refine my greeting efficiency! Dr. MacDonald and Mama were about a few feet behind me and heard lots of people say wonderful things about me as they walked into the library. "Cooper's here! It must be Tuesday!" "Hi Cooper! You make my day!" "I think that everyone has been in happier spirits in the last week and a half that Cooper's been here. He's been the best addition to this library." Oh and what about the sweet lady beside the elevator banks who asked my Mama, "Does Cooper get depressed after work? He has to hear so many problems, does he get sad or depressed? You're not worried for him?" Hmmm...note to self: ask Mama if I have workman's compensation?
I have to admit, I'm so glad I can make people feel good about coming to work. It's a great way for me to start my day.
This is my office building: Countway Library of Medicine |
If you could please get the door for me... |
Okay, here I am in the stacks. I believe this is the non-fiction genre. |
In the morning, I greet people and try to earn a big smile. (These are the stairs at the foyer of Countway.) |
Hard at work! Tough job. |
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